About Scion Of Zion Ministry
A Personal Message From Ken About This Ministry
- I want to thank you for stopping by the Scion of Zion Website.
Any materials which you see on this site you may download or copy for personal, group,
church use, or any reason except sales. The Bible teaches us that we should give
away freely what we have received from the Lord. My desire is to help any Christian
mature in the faith. There are many materials in Christendom which use the Bible as a
peripheral source instead of using God's Word as the primary source for growth. You
will see in this web site that I am absolutely intolerant of "Gospel
additives" such as "tongues." For this I make no apology and you won't change me. As we
near the end of time, the true gospel will become harder and harder to find. There
are no more prophetic signs to be fulfilled. The next thing we will hear is the
voice of God on the last day and my personal belief is that it is very close. I am
also very missions minded. When I first became a Christian, the man who discipled me
put a love for missions in my heart and it has never departed. Since I have 2 bad
knees and unable to go to the mission field, I encourage others to go to the mission field
to send forth the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth.
Some of my ministry involvements:
- - Attended Zarephath Bible Seminary in 1981-82
- - Received Doctor of Ministry from Bethany Theological Seminary in 1990
- - Adjunct Professor of Homiletics - Zarephath Bible Institute
- - Library Associate - Zarephath Bible Institute
- - Associate Pastor - Union Bible Church - Old Bridge, NJ
- - Itinerant Preaching - New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania (Street,
Church, and Rescue Mission)
- - Prayer time Pastor on WAWZ 99.1 FM (before they went to rock and roll)
- - Street preaching and tract ministry - New Jersey and New York City
- - Singles Seminar - Tower Hill Presbyterian Church - Red Bank, NJ
- - Adult Sunday School Teacher
- - Corporation Board of America's Keswick
- - Single Eye Newsletter
- - Authored the Book "The Modern Version Incursion"
- - Authored the Book "Basic Bible Doctrine and
Principles for New and Young Christians"
- - Authored the Book "Bible Prophecy: Interpreting
Scripture According to Scripture"
- - Authored the Book "The Reformation: Well-hidden in
the 21st Century"

This picture was taken about 1 month after I moved to my new home in Whiting,
NJ. As you can see there are no curtains on the window but the Computer is up and running. Priorities! Priorities! Much neater now!
My Ham Radio Call is K2KBM - Amateur Extra
I hope your visit to this web site is fruitful and I pray that the Lord may help you to grow as a result of your visit.
Scion of Zion was born on November 20, 1997
Sending forth the Gospel in Cyberspace for over 24 Years!
(Psa 68:11 KJV) The Lord gave the word: great the company of those that published it.
Ministered to 129 Countries in December 2021!
Scion of Zion Doctrinal Statement
Memory Lane
Pictures of the August 1981 Family Radio Bible Conference at Tuscarora Inn
A Small Pictorial History
This website is dedicated to the memory of my parents pictured below in a typical pose.
Mrs. Ethel (Czok) Matto - June 28, 1917 to January 12, 1999 (81)
Mr. Steve Matto - March 6,1918 to April 5, 2007 (89)
The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is
their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away." (Psa 90:10 KJV)
Mom's Eulogy
To God be the Glory